AxSTREAM NET Self-Paced Video Course

This comprehensive course program includes 6+ hours of videos explaining the use of AxSTREAM® NET for cooling flows and secondary systems. Course contents cover multiple applications through a presentation of the different components and capabilities available along with some real-life examples and some walkthrough of specific tutorials. These include, but are not limited to, steady-state and unsteady calculations, flow modeling in pipes, pipelines, chambers, splitters, entrances, expansions, rotor-stator cavities, batch mode, etc.

This online turbomachinery video course is perfect for anyone with a hectic schedule as it permits you to go at your own pace. 

AxSTREAM NET Self-Paced Training Scope:
  • Introduction to AxSTREAM NET
  • Modeling changes in geometry, flow mixing, flow splitting and scripting capabilities
  • Unsteady calculations, convection and batch mode capabilities 
  • Blade cooling, secondary flows and swirl using surface components
Who should attend:
  • Engineers interested in receiving a detailed overview of best practices and uses of the AxSTREAM NET module
  • Design and development engineers, who are involved in the design, analysis, and optimization process of thermal-fluid systems 
  • Commissioning engineers, sales engineers and project managers who participate in design and optimization process of turbomachinery
  • Engineering students looking for a comprehensive, theory-rich and hands-on course allowing them to meet the requirements of their future clients
Watch the AxSTREAM NET Self-Paced Video Course Preview

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