AxSTREAM® Workshop: 3-Day Training Workshop Overview

This 3-day training provides participants with a practical understanding of the design, analysis and optimization of flow paths for turbomachinery equipment using the AxSTREAM® software platform. During this interactive, hands-on workshop, engineers will use the AxSTREAM® software platform to successfully perform preliminary design of turbomachinery flow paths, inverse and direct 1D/2D analysis and optimization at design and off-design conditions, 3D profiling/stacking of the airfoils, 3D FEA and CFD and more.

The training includes break-out sessions, one-on-one design consultation with our SoftInWay teachers, and review of actual test cases. Each student can choose a particular track of study based on his or her specific interests:

  • Axial turbine
  • Axial compressor
  • Axial, radial and mixed-flow pump
  • Centrifugal compressor
  • Radial turbine
  • Retrofitting and performance improvements

The course program can be customized according to the participants’ needs. Upon completion, participants will be able to design and optimize a complete 3D flow path from basic boundary conditions data and will receive a free 30 day trial license of AxSTREAM®.

The scope includes:
  • Role of AxSTREAM® in the design process of turbomachinery
  • Preliminary design of turbomachinery
  • Detailed design of turbomachines
  • Design and off-design performance of rotating machinery
  • Optimization of turbomachines
  • Profiling and 3D blade design
  • Structural and vibration analyses (FEA)
  • Computational Fluid Dynamics analysis (CFD)
  • Parametric studies and what-if analyses
  • Redesign of existing equipment
Who should attend?
  • Engineers involved in the turbomachinery design and optimization process who are looking for ways to improve the design process and significantly improve production speed
  • Engineers who are interested in learning how to use AxSTREAM® for design, analysis and optimization of rotating machinery
  • Engineering professionals interested in learning more about the capabilities of the AxSTREAM® platform, including for evaluation purpose
  • Engineering and turbomachinery scholars interested in learning about the new AxSTREAM® platform features and their impact on the field of turbomachinery
  • Engineering students interested in becoming early adopters of the next generation of turbomachinery optimization tools and learning in depth capabilities of AxSTREAM®, the Gold Standard in the field of turbomachinery design
Examples of Course Schedule and Contents
AxSTREAM for Axial Turbine Design
Day 1
Part I.
Introduction: The Role of AxSTREAM in the Design of Turbomachinery
Introduction – role of AxSTREAM in turbomachinery design
Workflow of Turbomachinery Flow path Design
AxSTREAM Turbomachinery conceptual design suite - Features, Functions & Applications
Part II.
AxSTREAM - Design & Analysis of an Axial Turbine
Preliminary Design and Optimization

Design space, design restraints, performance criteria
Initial flow path design, definition of stages, charts, initial performance estimation, interactive editing
Optimization of designed flow path
Design validation in Streamline Solver
AxPLAN – Design of Experiment module
AxMAP – Off-design maps performances generator
Analysis of existing Turbine flow path

Starting of new AxSTREAM project, data input, loss models
Minimal set of data to analyse existing flow path
Calculation in Streamline Solver
Day 2
AxSTREAM – Profiling and blade design
Turbine Blade Profiling
Blade profile construction & control
Surface distributions of pressure, velocity, etc
Profile shapes optimizations
Turbine 3D Blade Design and Stacking

3D Airfoil Design
Blade stacking capabilities; Lean; Sweep
3D FEA Solver; 3D Flow Solver; Campbell Diagram
Profile Export
Import of existing profiles
Existing profile import operations and features
Day 3
Part IV. AxSTREAM – Exercises
12 MW Steam Turbine Design Exercise
10 MW Gas Turbine Design Exercise
Part V. AxSTREAM – Streamline Solver application for Axial Turbine
AxSTREAM Streamline solver functionality review
Application of Streamline solver for Analysis and Design tasks

Examples of Streamline solver usage for advanced tasks:

Analysis of existing flow path with leakage balance calculation
2D calculation in streamline solver
Twist optimization with AxPLAN DoE Optimization engine
Build flow path with prismatic standard blading
Build flow path with twisted standard blading
PART VI. Summary & Re-cap
Advanced AxSTREAM features for XXI century turbomachinery design: counter-rotating turbine, compressor and fan; Mixed flow turbine and compressors
Questions & Discussion
AxSTREAM for Axial Compressor and Mixed Compressor Design
Day 1
Part I. Introduction: The Role of AxSTREAM in the Design of Turbomachinery
Introduction – role of AxSTREAM in turbomachinery design
Workflow of Turbomachinery Flow path Design
AxSTREAM Turbomachinery conceptual design suite - Features, Functions & Applications
Part II. AxSTREAM - Design of an Axial Compressor
Axial Compressor Design

Preliminary Design of Axial Compressor
Streamline solver design mode calculation
Off-design map generation
Profiling and 3D blade design
Express structural and flow analysis
Day 2
Part III. AxSTREAM - Analysis of an Axial Compressor
Analysis of existing Axial Compressor flow path

Minimal set of data to analyse existing compressor flow path
Data input procedure
Flow path calculation and map generation
Axial Compressor profiling

Main features and capabilities in axial compressor profiling
Work with compressor profiles library
Day 3
Part IV. AxSTREAM – Exercises
Axial Compressor with total-total pressure ratio=7.8 Design Exercise
Axial Compressor for Gas Turbine Design Exercise
Part V. AxSTREAM – Mixed Compressor
Design of a Mixed Compressor

Axial part design
Centrifugal part design
Joining of axial and centrifugal parts
Analysis of mixed compressor
PART VI. Summary & Re-cap
Advanced AxSTREAM features for XXI century turbomachinery design: counter-rotating turbine, compressor and fan; Mixed flow turbine and compressors
Questions & Discussion
AxSTREAM for Centrifugal Compressor and Radial Turbine Design
Day 1
Part I. Introduction: The Role of AxSTREAM in the Design of Turbomachinery

Introduction – role of AxSTREAM in turbomachinery design
Workflow of Turbomachinery Flow path Design
AxSTREAM Turbomachinery conceptual design suite - Features, Functions & Applications
Part II. AxSTREAM - Centrifugal Compressor
Design & Analysis of a Centrifugal Compressor

Preliminary design dialogue features
Compressor calculation in design point and off-design maps generation
Flow path optimization using Design of Experiment engine
Centrifugal compressor profiling and 3D blade design
Express structural and flow analysis of centrifugal compressor
Day 1
Part III. AxSTREAM – Radial Turbine
Design & Analysis of a Radial Turbine

Preliminary design dialogue features
Turbine calculation and map generation
Flow path optimization using Design of Experiment engine
Radial turbine profiling and 3D blade design
Express structural and flow analysis of radial turbine
Day 3
Part IV. AxSTREAM – Exercises
Centrifugal Compressor with total-total pressure ratio 3.25 Design Exercise
600 kW Radial Turbine Design Exercise
PART V. Summary & Re-cap
Advanced AxSTREAM features for XXI century turbomachinery design: counter-rotating turbine, compressor and fan; Mixed flow turbine and compressors
Questions & Discussion
Locations and Dates for 2018
AxSTREAM Workshop Courses are by request only. Please contact us for more information.Request Course

View the Classroom-Based Training Schedule

If you would like more information about our training program, please call us at 781-685-4942 or email